benji on his trike

Regular Kidz to Adultz exhibitor the Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust (FTCT), is looking forward to being back at Kidz to Adultz North, to promote their range of grants. From mobility equipment to therapy sessions, sensory toys and specialist clothing, FTCT’s grants help hundreds of children every year.

Established in 1853, FTCT is a trade charity which supports the children of UK fashion and textile employees. To apply, parents or carers must have completed paid work in any fashion or textile business, for at least one year within the past 9 years.

A new trike for Benji

FTCT recently caught up with Benji (5) and Mum Stephanie, to find out how Benji is enjoying his new Quest88 trike, funded by an FTCT grant.

Benji has Noonan Syndrome, which affects his daily life, health and mobility. After Benji was born, Mum Stephanie gave up work to care for him full time.

Benj’s Mum Stephanie commented,

We were struggling financially and the equipment and support Benjamin needed was becoming unaffordable for me, so I reached out for some help.

While researching online Stephanie came across FTCT’s website. NEXT is one of the many fashion and textile companies which fit into FTCT’s trade criteria. Since Stephanie’s employment with NEXT was within the last 9 years, she was able to apply for a grant.

FTCT gave Stephanie a grant towards the specialist tricycle for Benjamin and bedroom furniture and school clothing for his older brother Jacob

Stephanie commented, “The trike allows him to have independence, happiness and be able to play with his brother and friends without having someone right there holding him up. The look on his face is just incredible.”

“I would never have been able to afford the items FTCT funded. We would have struggled a lot to buy all of these essentials. It has made us able to have food on the table and for me personally to see the happiness on my children’s faces.”

“From start to finish with FTCT I was made feel welcome, comfortable with whoever I spoke to and felt as though the team really cared about my family.”

Stephane urged other parents who think they might have a work connection to fashion or textiles to apply, “If you are in a position where you need to ask for help, please consider this amazing charity. The application process is easy, the staff are lovely and the outcomes are life changing!”

FTCT logo with charity number

Find out more

Fashion and textiles is broad reaching, including supermarkets which sell clothing, high street clothing retailers, laundry companies, textile companies, soft furnishing companies, footwear companies and more.

Full details of FTCT’s trade criteria, including typical businesses which fall into the fashion and textile industry can be found on the charity’s website. Visit

FTCT will be on stand V2 at Kidz to Adultz North. Please stop by their stand to meet the team and find out more about their grants programme.

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This post was written by FTCT.

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