Hibi – a care app designed specifically for parents of children with additional needs
This article was written by Sam Milliken-Smith, Founder of Hibi.
At Hibi, we’re on a mission to ensure that every family caring for a child has the support they need.
We’ve built a mobile and web app specifically for parents and carers of children with additional needs. We designed Hibi with hundreds of families and care professionals – and we’re now so excited to release our app.
”I’m Sam, and I co-founded Hibi – and here is why. Behind every child, there is a family working to manage, coordinate and navigate care. Parents often manage, store and share huge amounts of information, including medications, documents, appointments, symptoms and more. They also navigate a fragmented system split across health, education and social care organisations. The result is an experience that can be overwhelming, isolating and complex.”
Here at Hibi we have built a platform to provide support to families and help parents feel in control.
Our app provides families with:
- Care management tools – to store, track and share care information across your team.
- Personalised guidance – tailored content to support you in understanding and navigating the complex health, education and social care systems.

We understand the vast amount of people involved in the care of a child with additional needs, including family, friends and professionals. That’s why we’ve designed Hibi to be collaborative – the app allows you to invite others to the platform so you can all be on the same page with a shared understanding of your child and their care.
It has always been crucial that the platform was co-designed with families and professionals and this collaborative process has been at the centre of building Hibi from the start. We’d love for you to try out a free trial of Hibi and let us know any thoughts and feedback you have. You can find us on both the Apple and Android app stores.
To build something that can help as many families as possible, we want to learn from as many as possible. So please do get in touch and share what we’re doing with others’ as well as care organisations in your network, this is hugely appreciated.
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