little girl in wheelchair singing through microphone

A FREE event for children and young adults up to 25 years with disabilities and additional needs, their parents carers and all the professionals who support them.

120+ Exhibitors I FREE CPD Seminars I FREE Parking

The show guide for our Kidz to Adultz Middle event is now available to download from our website; hard copies of the guide will be available for all our visitor attending the event on the day. The guide contains all the important information you need to plan and get the most out of your day and enjoy the Kidz to Adultz experience! Download your guide on our website.

120+ exhibitors will be showcasing the most up to date equipment, products and offer advice and information on services. Alongside a number of our regular exhibitors there are many new organisations exhibiting at this year’s event offering advice on driving 16+ with a disability, accessible gaming, education, benefits and much more. 

10 FREE CPD seminars will run alongside the event. Topics include:- sleep strategies, hoisting, standing therapy, EHCPs, toilet training and much more – you can view the full time table via our seminar page.

All visitors attending will be entered into this fantastic free prize draw worth £900!

Entry is FREE. You can pre- register for your visitor’s FREE e-ticket or simply come along and register on the day.

We do hope you will join us on Thursday 21st March!

Carmel and The Kidz Team at Disabled Living

Contact:- or 0161 214 4592

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