carmela with bubbles at kidz to adultz wales and west in bristol

This post has been written by Lucy Chillery-Watson, the mother of Carmela, a 4 year old girl with a severe form of Muscular Dystrophy called LMNA CMD. We asked Lucy a few questions about her experience at Kidz to Adultz South and Kidz to Adultz Wales & West

How did you find out about the Kidz to Adultz Events?

I heard about the Kidz to Adultz events on Facebook.

In your personal experience, how does the event help you and the families that attend?

Kidz to Adultz events help us find out about the latest products available so we can show our physio and OT so they can put a request in on our behalf.

carmela blowing bubbles at kidz exhibition

Has it been useful to meet other families at the event? If yes, how?

It is beneficial for Carmela to see other children with difficulties, she then doesn’t feel so alone and accepts her condition more easily. She loves trying out the cool products that help her.

What does Carmela enjoys the most about the event?

She loves the wheelchair stair climber (by AAT GB) and the music activated by foot pedals and hands (by Soundbeam).

carmela trying ou equipment at kidz to adultz exhibition

What has been your best “discovery” at the events?

The music product mentioned above was her favourite product but only because she loves music!

What features or kinds of products would you like to see in the future?

Maybe a used equipment stall for us carers who can’t afford equipment or can’t get through charity.

Having been to a few Kidz to Adultz events in the past, why do you keep coming back?

We love coming back because every year Carmela’s disease progresses so we like to see what will help her with this or fun stuff to take her mind away from it.

Carmela in buggy at kidz to adultz exhibition

Do you have a message for the exhibitors or the organisers of the event?

Great friendly exhibitors. Not just there to sell their products but had genuine interest in our child’s well-being.

Finally, do you have a message for parents with a child that has a disability or additional needs?

My message to other parents is to go and see for yourself what Kidz to Adultz events are all about. It’s the best few hours for us every year.

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