mum and young boy smiling

Disabled Living is extremely proud to be celebrating 10 years of Kidz to Adultz Middle at the very prestigious Ricoh Arena, Coventry on Thursday 21st March. This event was established and added to our events portfolio in 2009, making our Kidz to Adultz events more accessible to those in the Midlands, Nottingham, Leicestershire, East Anglia and further afield.

Over the 10 years we have welcomed 22,476 visitors through the doors who have been able to access the most up to date information and advice on equipment, products and services for children and young adults with disabilities and additional needs. To accommodate demand for growth, the exhibition has grown from the original 2,000sqm to 4,000sqm plus additional seminar rooms. This is a remarkable achievement and one we are really proud of.

This year, alongside the exhibition and programme of free CPD seminars we are planning many celebratory features and will keep you updated as plans progress. Watch out for some highlights of our past ten years on our social media accounts and within our newsletters!

FREE Prize draw worth £900!

All those attending the event will be entered in a FREE Prize Draw for a chance to win a table of four at the Saracens match at the Ricoh Arena Premier Hospitality Lounge for a prize draw which includes the following:-

  • A three Course, Choice Menu
  • Champagne reception on Arrival
  • Complimentary selected wines, beers and soft drinks until the final whistle
  • Pre-Match commentary from a Wasp first team player
  • A complimentary official match day programme
  • Complimentary tea & coffee
  • Direct access to the corporate balcony
  • On-site match day parking
  • Includes hotel accommodation – 1 night (twin or double room with breakfast).

Register online for your visitors FREE Entry tickets from our website or simply come along to the event and register on the day.

Get in touch with us at Disabled Living

Tel: 0161 214 4590

Other dates for your diary

  • Kidz to Adultz South – Thursday, 16th May 2019 Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre, Farnborough
  • Kidz to Adultz Wales & West – Thursday, 4th July 2019 Thornbury Leisure Centre, Bristol
  • Kidz to Adultz North – Thursday, 14th November 2019  EventCity, Manchester

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